Forfatteren Tuscan lastet opp den fullstendige versjonen av kartet til verkstedet
The author of the Tuscan map with the nickname catfood announced on his Twitter account that the map was released in the Steam workshop. This means that anyone can touch the classics from the world of Counter-Strike and play Tuscan remake. Catfood made a map with Brute.

The map currently occupies 179,322 MB of hard disk space, and the first demo version was released on April 16, 2021.
Steam users urge Valve to pay attention to this map and add it to matchmaking.
Tuscan is an unofficial map originally created for Counter-Strike 1.6. For the most part, this is a modified de_cpl_mill, and de_tuscan was made by a person with the nickname brutesmaps. This was done so that the card could be used in esports tournaments with copyright bypass commissioned by CEVO.