Golden and flusha will introduce Fnatic again
Representatives of the organization reported this news on their Twitter account. In addition, it became known that Golden will remain at least until the end of 2019 as a rented player.
Robin 'flusha' Ronquist played under the Fnatic tag from August 2013 to August 2016. After a half-year break, he represented this organization from February 2017 to September 2018. The Swede is known for being able to win three major tournaments as part of Fnatic.
Mikil 'Golden' Selim played under the colors of Fnatic from August 2017 to June 2018 and, together with his teammates, won at WESG 2017 and Intel Extreme Masters XII - World Championship. As part of the ELEAGUE Major 2018, he managed to get to the Champions Stage and take 5-8th place in the second major of 2018.
Updated Fnatic roster:
Freddy 'KRiMZ' Johansson Jesper 'JW' Bill Ludwig 'Brollan' Brolin Robin 'flusha' Ronquist Mikil 'Golden' Selim
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