Unicorns of Love oppdaterte listen sin av PUBG Mobile
Raja 'CRYPTO' Khaseeb has become a new player in the PUBG Mobile roster of Unicorns of Love, as it became known on the esports club's Twitter account. The management welcomed the native of Pakistan and wished him good luck in the next matches in which he will represent the banners of UoL. He will join the likes of Ridvan 'Reznov' Tapheider, Eliseo 'ELISEO' Luli, Daniel 'Icy' Ninov and Rolandas 'Rolkis' Paliukas.
CRYPTO started his career as a professional player in PUBG Mobile in February 2021 under the Stalwart Esports tag. He later played for i8 Esports. He has a victory at PUBG Mobile Club Open - Fall Split 2021: Pakistan, for which he and his team received $3,900. The esportsman also took fourth place in the PUBG Mobile Pro League - South Asia Championship Season 1 and PUBG Mobile Pro League - South Asia Championship Spring 2022, where he earned $10,000 as a reward with the team. Throughout his career, the player has earned more than $18,000.
The last changes in the team were made at the beginning of the year. Then four esportsmen left the roster. FRESH and WUDWON became free agents, while LLIN and GK1st moved to Panda. At the end of January, Rolkis also left, who returned to the team on June 8th.
Updated Unicorns of Love roster for PUBG Mobile
- Reznov
- Icy
- Rolkis
The debut of the updated team will take place as part of the PUBG Mobile Pro League Western Europe Fall 2022, which will be held from August 30 to October 2. The total prize fund of the tournament will be $150,000, and the championship will be held in third-person mode. How exactly the fund will be distributed between the teams is currently unknown.