Det er Huobi problemer - bedriften kan si opp ansatte og kutte lønn
Colin Wu, who has repeatedly found information about the representatives of the cryptocurrency world, which he received from his sources, shared a new interesting insider. This time, he said, Huobi can optimize their costs by reducing the staff.
However, they may change the monetary conditions for those employees who continue to work as part of Huobi. Thus, annual bonuses can completely disappear, and salaries are likely to change for the worse.
Colin Wu shared the information on his Twitter account, where he said that Huobi's staff could be reduced from 1,200 people to 600-800. Senior employees, in turn, will definitely undergo a pay cut.
This is not the first time Huobi wants to optimize their costs. At the beginning of the summer, Colin Wu spoke about the intentions of the cryptocurrency exchange to cut the number of employees by 30% due to a sharp drop in their income. The reason for such a negative performance was the massive ban of users from China in September last year.
In order to somehow save their position, Huobi decided to sell a controlling stake in the Hong Kong investment company About Capital Management. About how much the buyers gave for the opportunity to own shares, information was not disclosed. The parties decided not to disclose the terms of the transaction.
Colin Wu also learned at that moment that in the end, Justin Sun, who founded Tron and had a hand in creating this blockchain, became the main beneficiary of the purchase. Huobi was told that Justin Sun had joined the advisory board, but representatives of the cryptocurrency exchange denied the information about Sun's beneficiary.
Huobi is far from the first exchange that is going to optimize its staff due to large losses. Earlier, such companies as Gemini, Bitso, Coinbase, BlockFi, NYDIG and others spoke about the reduction of employees. In contrast to the above organizations, the investment giant Fidelity Investments announced that it plans to hire 100 new employees who will contribute to the development of the project. Their hiring will be carried out within six months.
In general, 2022 has become a negative year not only due to events around the world, but also in the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. The bear market led to the fact that the total capitalization of cryptocurrencies fell to $800,000,000,000, while at its peak it exceeded $2,600,000,000,000. Bitcoin sank by 70% from its maximum value and at the time of writing is quoted at a price of $16,480.