Lav pris Pudgy Penguins opp 25 % på 1 dag
The Pudgy Penguins collection of non-fungible tokens, which was recently sold for $129,000 at Sotheby's, continues to attract attention from NFT lovers and beyond.
Collectors continue to buy Plump Penguin Collection tokens. Recently, non-fungible items at the lowest level have been bought. Thus, the value of the minimum Pudgy Pinguins tokens increased by 25%.
It is noteworthy that over the entire last month, the cost of the cheapest NFT from the collection has almost doubled. If earlier investors could purchase a non-fungible token for 3 Ethereum, now the cheapest tokens are valued at 6 Ethereum, which is equivalent to $7,240 at the current rate.
Pudgy Penguins CEO Luca Schnetzler says he wants this to be just the start of the collection. He plans to conclude contracts with manufacturers of soft toys and children's books, which can be made based on his collection.
In addition, Schnetzler said that despite the drop in the value of some non-fungible Pudgy Pinguins tokens, in general, token buyers make a profit when they resell at a higher price, and, as we can see today, the collection is really going up.
Schnetzler thinks the penguin topic could be very interesting and he can't wait for his work to seep out of the metaverse into the real world:
Every generation has had its own great penguin intellectual property, from Pingu to Club Penguin to Happy Feet... the next great penguins have a huge opportunity to invade not only the metaverse, but the real world as well.
The NFT collection gained more attention when non-fungible items were sold at Sotheby's for almost $129,000. This became possible due to the fact that the exhibition featured images that have quite unique features, including golden skin, an egg-shaped accessory, and more.